Alina N. Feld is an American philosopher of religion. She holds a Ph.D in Philosophy of Religion from Boston University, and is a writer in the fields of philosophy and theology.

Alina N. Feld is the author of Melancholy and the Otherness of God (Lexington, 2011) and essays on philosophical theology. Her research interests include mystical traditions and contemporary theology, philosophy of life, nature, and the spiritual senses. She lives in New York and teaches philosophy at York College-City University of New York while pursuing her practice of philosophical counseling, employing Western and Eastern theories and methods. Currently she is coediting, with Sean McGrath, a volume of critical essays dedicated to Ray L. Hart’s thought, Unfinished God: The Speculative Philosophical Theology of Ray L. Hart. Reviewed by Edinburgh University Press, New Perspectives in Ontology book series. She is working on a book project on Transgressive Thought: From Altizer’s Death of God to Agamben’s Post-Apocalyptic Image Without Archetype and Leahy’s Nimble Omnipotence.